Planning Your Wedding? How To Find The Perfect Venue Without Breaking Your Budget


If you're in the process of planning your wedding, but you want to save money and stay within your budget, start with the venue. You don't need to break the bank on your venue costs. In fact, with careful planning, you can save money and still enjoy a beautiful wedding venue. Here are just four of the ways you can save money on your venue. 

Use the Seasonal Rush to Your Advantage

When it comes to planning weddings, most couples aim for specific time and dates. In most cases, couples choose the popular wedding season, which runs from May through September. If you plan your wedding in any of those months, you can expect to pay more for your venue. You can also expect to have a hard time locking in a date. Most weddings also occur on Saturday. In fact, about 70% of all weddings take place on Saturdays. So, to save money on your wedding venue, choose a date that's off-season and during the week. 

Find What You Like and Then Shop Around

If you have your heart set on a specific venue, but you can't afford the price, try shopping around. Make a list of the amenities that you like about your favorite venue and then find a location that fits your requirements. For instance, if you're looking for a rustic location, but your favorite venue is booked or out of your budget, hit your social media pages and find a friend with access to a farm. You can do the same for beachfront venues, as well. 

Head Out Past the Big City Limits

If you live in a big city, you can expect to pay more for your choice of wedding venues. One reason is because there's a higher demand. To save money on your wedding venue, head out past the city limits. In many cases, you can find comparable venues for a fraction of the cost by planning your wedding in the suburbs. 

Supply Your Own Alcohol

If you plan to serve alcoholic beverages at your wedding, make sure you ask about the costs when visiting local venues. Many venues require you to purchase your alcohol through them, which can significantly increase the cost of your wedding. However, when you supply your own alcohol, you can take advantage of sales and bulk purchases to bring down the cost of your bar.

Looking for a local wedding venue in Austin TX? Contact Le San Michele today.


14 December 2019

Making Your Wedding Perfect

When you watch weddings on television, the only things that go wrong are part of the plot line. Unfortunately, real weddings are a little different. Bridesmaids grow out of their once perfectly-fitting gowns, and in-laws decide not to arrive on time. Before you know it, your perfectly planned day can become an uncomfortable nightmare. However, if you can plan for problems, they won't bother you on one of the most important days of your life. I want to teach you how to anticipate troubles and to make them right, which is why I made this website. Find out how to make your wedding perfect, so that you can kick back and relax.